Saturday 28 June 2014

Ramadhan to celebrate

I bet, everywhere we turn, people must be talking about the same thing, Ramadhan!
Tomorrow would be the first day of  ramadhan, everybody would like to break fast with their family right?
so most of boarding school gives student to go home and celebrate Ramadhan with their family. But to bad for me (not just me, must be tons of people out there) did not get the chance to break fast with their family on the first day... I'm actually at my Wan's house (grandma*) . So, I've been sitting with Wan since friday, and she brought tons of delicious food, First thing first... it's the big great... DURIAN!
(too bad i did'nt found a nice picture of durian), then for dinner, I got Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak, that dish is so hard to get nowadays, they only sells it around Temerloh, Pahang, Malaysia (google it). I spend most of my time searching and downoading some latest songs...
Since, I've been living in a boarding school, I haven't listening to radio, so to not be outdated... I needto keep on track on latest songs, my kind of music Rap, Dubstep, Electronic, Instrumental (like a boy would choose) but I aso like K-POP too... but I don't like girly-aegyo-twinkling songs, I like the energizing song (so I only pay attention on boy-group such as EXO, B.A.P, GOT7... the only girl-group that I hook-onto is 2ne1. If you a k-pop haters, you need to know what kind of music you are and find the group that matches, so since I like dubstep... listening to EXO's overdose make me wanna jump out of the bed and dance like no-one's watching!

but then, i realize... it's Ramadhan... all satan will be tied, the heaven's door is now wide open... why am I doing this... 
I need to determine myself, there still 29 days left, spend my Ramadhan wisely! Our (muslims) goal is always one! To achieve Jannah... Allahuakbar!
My teacher once said, the right way to celebrate Ramadhan is fulfill our day by doing good deeds that will be the evidence to bring us into heaven. not by spending money on Syawal, because in my country, most people understood too celebrate Syawal greater than Ramadhan, actually, Ramadhan is the month that we need to feel the difficulties that happened to people that out-of-oppurtunities, if we want to save money, donate them... Have you heard? Nobody becomes poor because of giving.
So, that's all.. goodbye!

Saturday 7 June 2014

Toughest Week I've Been Through

Whooo *exhales*
it has been a long time since i post anything, this is because it has been my busiest week ever...
started from February, my school celebrate MPSI, minggu persada sukan & ilmiah...
So, I entered ping pong (as usual) and choral speaking for blue team (and im the conductor!)
so, I spend most of my freetime for choral speaking practices. It was tough, cuz 50% of my members are not volunteered, they were been pushed by teachers, so most of them are lazy-bummers, not good in english and not-cheerful-at-all.
But, alhamdulillah, I've achieved second place, same as ping pong too.
After MPSI, we have exam week through March, and I'm proud with my results, in April we have JUBLI PERAK, a celebration 25-years of AL-IRSYAD....
So, we, students were asked to hold a gallery for each subjects, and I got Fiqah... But the question that kept play in my mind is, why teacher chose form 3 and form 5 students? That is so not fair... We both have big exam this year, we missed out many subjects because we need to use all the time in preparing the gallery
s h o u j o ★ 少女 

After handling the gallery, and jubli perak is a kick! Then, the trouble came across... the trouble is....
FRIENDSHIP, I realized that I've been bossy all through April, but its not me changing, it's you...
You have been avoiding me, avoid me so you can be that famous girl again, the girl that all boys cried for, the girl that all boys knew, the girl that gets anything from boys... right? (cracked sentences)
Okay, fine if you avoiding me, I can find 10 more better friends than you! once HAMKA said "to gain a good friend, you need to turn yourself into someone that can make a better friend"
Okay, now lets forget abbout that, I'm not a person who takes small problem like that too serious...
Form 5 students plan to celebrate Teachers day and boys and girls need to send peoples to show some performance, so me and some of my friends plan to do a choral speaking about teachers, this time we made it wild, and crazy and fun! because we chose the RIGHT people to join our choral speaking, and I wrote the script, feeling proud... because the script was so damn funny...

When your inlove... 
After the performance, everybody said it was FANTASTIC! we were proud of ourselves... the teachers love it but then came across MGBSIM, the competition of all kind of performance-styled. so, there were nasyid, choral speaking, speech and tilawah...
Of course, I was chosen to join the choral speaking for MGBSIM and again, I wrote the script, so I was proud because the script was funky, chill and not so serious eventhough the title was Dakwah...
But, hate to say, we did'nt win... it's not because we suck big time, it was the judges who suck big time! They all cheated, the judges were chosen from some school, so of course the would like their school to win, even though their own school was a lame performance! We were so mad at that time but my teacher reminded us by saying "win is nothing, ukhuwah is everything" guess that right, because we went back to school with a smile as wide as a ship...
katekyo hitman reborn | Tumblr 

haha, cute right? so that's all...


Thursday 26 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013....

few days left to 2014...
okay, i think since i got into highschool, i can see the differences not from me, but the surrounding and also my old friends.
2012, I was 13 and I went to STIAS, that school was brilliant! very tight schedule, but only the strong-hearted people could stay at that school, wanna know why?
1= that school doesn't has staff or janitor, only canteen crew, so students will clean the class, the school hall, the toilets and teacher's toilet too.
2= we only have 4 dormitary and two wardens, both of them are fierce as tiger (if we ever get punished, it's never a simple punishment) like read Suroh Yaasin at the graveyard around 1.00 am
3= most of the seniors care about hygiene, to bring big name on our school, and good grades, probably?
4= it's a tahfiz school so, each day 1 page of qur'an or more (if you can't make it, you gotta stand in the sun till you get it, the boys can see you!)

supermuslimah | via Facebook

That school will turn you into the perfect muslimah if you keep an open-hearted because they will push you to this and that, but don't ever complain.
I know that school is full of Allah's blessing, because everytime our Walid had an event, it always rain.... Rain is blessing that shows Allah's saw you hardwork to gain something!
But I moved is not because I can't stand, only rich kids can afford, RM600  a month, baby...
And, at that time, my parents having a dilema. but I wish I didn't moved out, I always wanted to stay and feel closer to Allah


2013, I moved to SMAI and I'm 14....
way too different from STIAS
I always think by myself, this school sucks but the outside me lies, I keep smiling and laughed at their no-funny-at-all jokes because I don't want to hurt their feelings. The differences was,
it's not a school bunch of smartypants, it's like a school where adults dumped their unuseful kids...
So, I'M ATOTAL GEEK in the early years, because they all like to do bad/naughty things but I just sit there and watch until one time I tried to be like them, and it was fun ♥ - Nyanyan - Otaku do Ataku!
Okay, okay... I was wild! with them, until one day, I went back home and saw my friends from STIAS post all fun time they had, and they all look so sincere and good... I was so damn JEALOUS!

I realized I changed... the way I speak, the way I dress, the way I do, it was so rough and sounded like I'm a gangster... But it wasn't too late to change, so I decided to be a straight-to-point person. Whenever I see my friends wearing or doing bad things I just spill it out to them, and finally a little by little of them changed...
I'm glad, and there is a movie I saw, it says "I don't think you should follow whatever your friend said, maybe it's your time to told 'em the right thing"
But, friendship is always important, that's why they say, friends with the good one, but if you don't find them maybe it's time for you to change them! So that's all from me!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatu
Google-Ergebnis für this sounded so cheesy~

Thursday 28 November 2013

Beyond Experience: CERAGEM

CERAGEM... siapa yang basically tahu jenama ni?
first2, family ana mana tahu jenama ni sampailah mommy hantar ana duduk kampung (sempena cuti sekolah) untuk teman nenek dan atuk seminggu di kampung, iyolah...
nenek dan atuk tinggal berdua dalam rumah tanah sendiri yang gedabok besornyo~
mestilah rasa lonely kan, ana ngan adik ana dihantar menaiki bas dan berazam untuk menemani, dan bisingkan rumah (insyaAllah tak gaduh)!
Tapi, nampaknya tak seperti yang dibayangkan... malam ni, malam Jumaat kiranya genap seminggulah tinggal di rumah nenek ni.
Nenek, atuk, pakngah dan makngah ikut kegiatan CERAGEM ni, setiap hari lepas zuhur diorang akan pergi, tapi diorang panggil 'terapi'.  Sampai  satu masa, atuk suruh kami ikut atuk ikut pergi terapi, hari itu Rabu, terapi itu kononnya dijamin sampaikan diberi 10 kali percubaan percuma, hari yang kami pergi ni rasanya kali ke-5 percubaan atuk. Pesakit dikehendaki memakai pakaian putih top-to-toe supaya FIR (Far Infrared Ray) dapat melepasi sampai ke dalam badan.
masuk sahaja hall CERAGEM, katil semua dah ada 'owner', tapi di situ staff dah sediakan waktu setiap sesi 40 minit dijalankan serentak, rezeki kami datang waktu sesi sebelum dah habis waktu dan tak ramai orang menunggu, so pesakit sebelum tu blah kami pun masuk, nenek dah sediakan cadar lapik dan selimut untuk kami, kalau guna yang disediakan tentu ada peluh pesakit yang sebelum tu... EAUWWW~
Mula-mula debar juga, staff disana semua perempuan dan ada yang muka garang, tapi... "don't judge a book by it's cover" sebaik sahaja ana baring atas katil CERAGEM, wrrrrr~
lega sangat, rupa-rupanya, katil CERAGEM yang berbiji urut ni, diperbuat daripada batu Jed dan tanah liat, ada juga 'heat controller', proses terapi ni akan bantu supaya suhu badan meningkat...
Ramai pesakit yang datang adalah golongan warga emas, bagi pesakit lain yang menunggu turn, staff akan bagi serba sedikit pengetahuan kepentingan menjaga tulang belakang dengan CERAGEM.
Di situ, bergunalah dua pasang telinga yang Allah ciptakan ni untuk ana mendengar/mendapat ilmu supaya dapat menyampaikan ilmu kepada orang lain :)
Tulang Belakang manusia seperti akar tumbuhan, pernah dengar pepatah arab "Jika baik akarnya, maka baiklah tumbuhannya" jadi, kalau tulang belakang kita sihat, tubuh badan lebih cergas. 
info: Tulang belakang kita terbahagi kepada 3 bahagian, iaitu, bahagian leher ada 7 sendi, bahagian tengah (dari leher hingga ke punggung) ada 12 sendi dan bahagian punggung ada 5 sendi yang menjadikan tulang belakang mempunyai 24 sendi!
Sebagai contoh, siapa yang ada darah tinggi atau susah nak tidur malam (maksudnya, tidur sekejap lepas tu terjaga atau dapat lena dalam 2-3 pagi) biasanya kesalahannya berpunca dari  cara tidur iaitu cara menggunakan bantal, jika cara tidur salah sendi 1 dan 2 di tulang belakang mudah teralih yang menyebabkan saraf menjadi lemah. Mereka juga menyatakan sendi 1-2 amatlah penting tapi yang itulah mudah senget. Kalau sendi itu dah dipulihkan oksigen lebih mudah masuk ke kepala.

Waktu musim cuti sekolah ini digalakkan membawa kanak-kanak atau orang muda kerana mereka kerap sakit belakang akibat menyandang beg sekolah yang berat diisi buku
CERAGEM juga memberi kelebihan kepada orang tua kerana, semakin kita tua, suhu badan semakin turun, dan apabila suhu menurun kanser akan lebih mudah merebak.
Cerita tentang kanser: kanser  merebak dalam bentu mutasi iaitu, 'beranak kembar'. Kanser juga aktif membiak dalam suhu rendah, sekiranya badan kita bersuhu tinggi, kepanasan dapat membakar kanser tersebut, jadi digalakkan menjaga badan agar fit sampai ke tua! Dengan CERAGEM, proses ini dilakukan dalam suhu melebihi 50*, boleh adjust lagi...
Rasanya, semua fahamkan kesimpulannya?
Jaga kesihatan bermula dengan diri sendiri!
Cuba fikirkan, kalau kita sakit, ingat ada ke sesiapa yang setia nak jaga sampai mati? mana ada, nurse kat hospital pun muak nak jaga tahu? okeee, tu je pesanan dari ana...

Sunday 24 November 2013

Since when I'm addicted?

... Addicted to anime and so~
i've once become an otaku, now.. I'm not.
Firstly, like most people, I don't know the differences between cartoon and anime, but my first anime was Keroro Gunso, than I start realized it was an anime when it was aired in one of local tv station, now i now that, all cartoon that was originally from japan is an anime.

At that time I was probably 8, then like usual, I watched Doraemon, Shin Chan, but I have astro (a packaged selective channel in M'sia) then, it has animax channel.
Then I watched all kind of anime, such as naruto, one piece, k-on, air gear, honey and clover. And I was 10-11 when this happened. But I started to realized that anime exist after a hit manga released, so I start read comic magazines (Gempak) from there, I know the latest anime, latest manga, and some tips to sharpen your drawing skill too.

I started collecting comics since I was in school, start collecting mangas since 11, now, I have like over 80++ mangas and comics, yea, my family moves around lately so I gave my un-favorite mangas to my friends, is it an evil-doing? I hope not...
But, I do have my own tips buying mangas:
1- search for the best drawing and title (if the drawing is ugly and the title  sounds odd, it is a bad manga)
2- MUST BUY famous, experienced-a-lot mangaka: Motomi Kyousuke, Chiba Kozue, Ben, Nanajima Kana (or whoever you like)

The starting point of being an otaku is when I'm 12. And otaku read mangas, watched anime, listens to J-POP, a gamer, love cosplaying, knows some japanese words: then you are an otaku!
But I'm not that 100%, cuz at that time I was so into K-on, so I download all their hit songs, but I hate cosplaying, and I do know some japanese words and how to pronounce them :kawaii, itakadimasu, baka, doiteshimashite, tanjobi omedeto, dai jo bu.... what else? if basic, most people know right~ like konichiwa, sayonara, arigato... hmmm...

But, at that time... I don't have any friend that is an anime-geek...

once I entered, highschool, an Islamic highschool... duhhh~
I don't believe it, most of them are anime-geeks! woah... in my class, the person that I always talked about anime is, Neu, we discuss a lot about latest anime. we both good at drawing, so sometime, we draw, then switch papers and guest which character are we drawing...its fun...
Now, Imma be 15, so my fave genre is comedy, slice of life, romance, sci-fi, shoujo of course...
I dont like fantasies or folks styles. But i realized that japanese seems to believe in demons more than angels. yea~ like Vampires, Yokai, Youmu, Yasha... what else?

Thats all from my history....

Saturday 16 November 2013

Rasulullah itu skema kah?

soalan diatas... agak-agak ape yang korang akan jawab, ya taupun tidak?
nak jawab ya macam perli pulak nak jawab tidak tapi...
*ehem, ehem*
ni berlaku waktu , ana tengah bad mood sangat sebab (errrk, tak ingatlah pulak) tapi yang pasti waktu tu malam lah.
So, ana lari pada kakak ketua asrama, Kak Zee, untuk meluahkan perasaan tapi entah macam mana waktu tu macam kene rasuk je sampaikan apa yang da cakap rasa macam dah banyak kali dia ulang. \
Ana terus memaling ke arah lain lepas tu dia pun cakap "Ehhh, kau jeling dari aku?"
Bukan nak kati tak hormat, tapi Kak Zee ni lah yang ana rasa satu-satunya kakak senior yang tak spoilt kat asrama, jaga pemakaian, jaga pandangan, jaga bahasa termasuk adab.
Cuma, waktu tu maklumlah bendera jepun tengah berkibar so memang marah tahap maksimum, ana pon lari daripada sekelompok banat pergi ke tandas untuk ambil air wudhu'.
Lepas tu, suba nak tidur tapi tak boleh juga, jadi ana pergi dekat Kak Zee tu balik, tapi kali ni tak minta Kak Zee yang bercerita, ana yang luahkan perasaan:-
Akak, ana dah tak tahanlah! Rasa macam jadi lebih teruk berbanding dulu sejak masuk sekolah ni, tapi akak tau. dalam banyak-banyak ceramah yang ana pernah dengar, satu je yang ana pernah menangis, (ceramah daripada seorang kakak senior yang tua setahun je daripada ana) Kak Tohrah, (nama dia Tahirah tapi saje panggil 'Tohrah'):-

Waktu ni pula, ana datang pada Kak Tohrah dan ceritakan masalah ana:
Waktu awal tahun ana masuk, orang kata ana 'SKEMA' sangat, bila ana dah berubah orang kata ana 'JAHAT' sangat.

Kak Tohrah balas:
Enti kene  belajar terima kutukan tu sebagai penguat semangat untuk jadi orang yang lebih baik. orang yang panggil enti skema ni sebenarnya nak puji enti tapi dia jealous.
"Jadilah Skema macam Rasulullah" ana ambik Rasulullah s.a.w sebagai rujukan, supaya lebih senang enti faham, apa yang enti nampak pada rasulullah?
*Baginda amanah, tepati masa, tak membazir masa, uruskan kerja secepat mungkin, tak menangguh, bangun awal untuk Qiyam, seorang pembersih.
Bukankah tu semua sikap seorang skema? patutnya kita bangga jadi macam tu, bukankah orang macam tu lebih disayangi Allah? Lebih dijamin syurga?

*Sebenarnya hujah Kak Tohrah lebih panjang tapi inilah isi pentingnya, mungkin zaman sekarang majoriti rasa siapa yang bahasa dia suka cakap [F***, M***** and so much more] tu macam cool~ sangat but pleaselah, no!
Dengan mencarut-karut tu, nampak sangat akal korang pendek, tak mampu nak fikir jalan penyelesaian atau tak mampu nak sabar keluarkanlah 'bahasa pemuas hati' tu konon.
So, Back to main subject: Rasulullah tu skema ke?
Rasanya korang boleh jawab sendiri kan?

Sunday 13 October 2013

Having a Cheapskate Mother

yea, I have a cheapskate mother, but that's  not an insult, okay?
I'm proud to have a cheapskate mother so that i wouldn't be an easily fooled buyer.
this week, it is a 5 days off school because of Aidul Adha! Or mostly malaysian says "Raya Korban".
So, I went home with my sister at our new house in Shah Alam, without my older sister, that is because she said "I'd rather stay at Gramma's house than following you guys so I can focus on my studds"

I'm happy to be in Shah Alam, we eat food that aren't much in Kuantan, hey, I'm not saying Kuantan is a boring place is just that "Home Sweet Home" right? Another thing I like about being in KL is that they have lots of highway that can lead you to any place and less stop by traffic.

Yesterday and today, we went to town for a window shopping, buy some groceries and also grab lunch at a restaurant. I've realised long time ago about my mother's a cheapskate but than i focused on what she told me when we were shopping.

Her eyes was like a tiger as we entered the mall, she only focuses on the promotion, sale and discounts label. But I think usual commoners would just come and search for things they should buy, but my mommy is so not like that. She would say "Yana, is that buy 3 for RM10", "don't buy that,that is only if we buy a box for 30% discount" or "can't you find a cheaper price yogurt drink?" actually some brands price RM1.59, RM1,69 and RM1.79 not much differences but mommy just say "if you could collect 10 sen  a day you can afford yourself a gadget"

Baaah, that's way too ridiculous, 10 sen a day then i need to wait until 2 years I can afford a gadget, sometimes middle-aged mother just babble-naggin' silly things so that their children would work harder.

Another tips is when i wanted to buy a crab for dinner, she only picks female with eggs and full body, I ask her "Mom, why dont you pick that one cuz it's big eventhough it's a male" Mommy knocks the ice-full crab's body "Naaah, the ices wont go off , we cant take this crab because when we scale it, we need to pay more just because of the ices weight." I can only nod but that is right.

I understands that "Mommy knows best"
so, every mother still needs to increase their knowledge and removes all their bad habits so that your children wouldn't be a useless child, every child 80% learnt about life from their parents (my own facts, so i don't care if you wanna believe or not)