Tuesday 29 November 2011

The Making of: Animation Music Video (Half)

I just made this AMV of Taylor Swift Song: Mean, and when I showed it to my parents they all said it quite good and I think I did a great job for filling my free-time in school holiday.

 Now I'm making another AMV of Taylor Swift Song: Speak Now, This is a request from my own sister. I have published my First AMV on Youtube.com but for other readers: I'll Publish it on other post

Sunday 13 November 2011

Because of ART

 My mother get this information from her friend about an Art Exhibition...
We went there to show my skills to Teacher Abby, and she really interest in me as I use Digital Arts.
So, On Sunday, the Launch Day of the Exhibition I have represented my Art using the Laptop and Pen Tablet, the parents and guests of honor really proud to see my workings.
 On Monday, we woke up on 5 and reach the live broadcast studio at 7, we met some Malaysian Artist and the other kids are also nervouse too. Firstly, Teacher Abby asked the 4 best-students to come in and show their skill, for me... I gave her a pendrive to put my Artpiece on a LCD TV. The clock shows 8.20 a.m, Teacher Abby called all other kids to came in the studio and pretending that they were drawing and coloring, but when it comes to me, she said that I only help the 4 best-students finishes their work...
 When the shooting begins, firstly, The Host, Wardina interviewed Teacher Abby then she called me, she asked me some questions, I was so thrilled and happy but in the same time I was quite nervous if I ever mistakenly talk, but seems I did it just fine... In the end of the show, Everybody get a picture with Wardina... And I also did'nt let my chances to met an Artist like that, so I have a picture with here... face to face! >.<

Monday 24 October 2011

Sister in Chaos

Well, after we (me and my sister) were browsing the internet for "youtube", Mia did a call to daddy and he said he'll be home in 30 minutes, we did not stop browsing the Internet until
Daddy surprisingly came into his room and said "I knocked the door many times and nobody open it for me and now I see you in my room browsing the Internet," We was stunned for awhile and we came down the stairs.
Before I or anybody else except my father could ever get in his car, my little sister, Sarah was being a cranky girl asking us to do whatever she said, she was yelling for help and covering her nose. No wonder, she was nose-bleeding, in my head was like "Why didn't she ever told us?"
Mia helped her by getting all tissues but it seems like it wouldn't stop bleeding, Mia asked me so how come this could happen? I know it for sure, it was because Sarah didn't drink a lot of water and she forgot to the drink the nutritious honey that Mom made for her. Mia asked her to drink some cup of plain water but she refuses as she said "The blood will drip before the plain water could ever get in my throat," that could be silly, then I forced her to drink a cup of water,  she ignores me so. Mia said to her "you need to drink a lot of water, see there, the blood is still dripping unless you drink at least a cup of water," "but..." before Sarah could continue and finish her line Mia grabbed a cup of water and put it in front of Sarah's face. With no doubt, Sarah drank up the cup until the last 'GULP' and she wipes of her nose with a tissue before the blood could drip. She wipe her nose every seconds until Mia realized the blood no longer dripping. So she changed her dress and straight forward get into the car. Daddy ask Sarah "what took you guys so long? What happened to you, Sarah?" Sarah looks pale and I said "Sorry because we took time it was because of her nose-bleeding emergency," with a big smile I said to Daddy. Daddy was still sitting, he look at Sarah for a few minute and he said "What's that? I think it's a frozen blood stuck in your nose, better you wipe it off," Sarah feel his nose and take a tissue and wipe it off, (Well, to other readers, this might be the funny part OR the gross part [Actually, it's not that gross]) Sarah said to me, Mia and Daddy "Hehehe, I think it's like a nose-poo," We also thought like that because that 'THING' still stuck on her nose. Ya know, Mia is like the over-hygiene person, even blood she hate to see or a scar~ I interrupt and said "If you can't wipe it of why not just pull it off?" I giggled because I think it's a stupid thing to say. Sarah did pull it using the tissue. In suspense we all watching Sarah to pull that 'THING' off. "AAAAH!", "EEEUWWW!" and "GROOOOSSS!" came out from our mouth as that frozen blood 'THING' actually was quiet long and slimy at the point. First thing I was thinking when I saw that slimy, long, dark-red colored thing was a slime monster which lives under Sarah's nose. Hideously Horror, Creepy Creature, Disgusting Disguise.  But after then, the nose-bleeding stopped and we went to a library after lunch.
The End of the Story of
The Red, Slimy, Long
Thing :)
at the end, I think it's a quite 
funny and little bit of gross mixture
with basic story until it end up
into this story :)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Step-By-Step to achievements

Well, since I was suspended from using Facebook for a month,
my mom wants me to increase my drawing/arts skill/talents....
So I sign up this website for who is an artist or love arts,
the website really gives me challenges to increases my skills by
posting my arts, and whoever get the most comments I shall say
he/she is good, better, further better than me :)
Not thats all, if we admire somebody's art-piece we could save it
in our favorite file, and if that person was really a
tip-top person, a talented person, an art guru or master of the art
we are supposed to be their "watchers" which means, ummmm....
i don'rt really now how to explain but it was the same meaning like
"followers" in the twitters. Whoever has many watchers, means they are masters!
till now, I only have 1 watchers.... And I'm on my way to achieve more
arts competition and become one of the best artist!
You can see my arts in my gallery at this website:-


Sunday 9 October 2011

Artworks From Games:By me

My very own, Starlight Unicorn in Blue and Purple

Pinkish angel floating in the wonderful sky...

Summer is the angel who glows in the light.

Funny Photos made in a gaming website.

Photo Movie: 1st Edition

This my newly photo music video, its my little sister, and she
really loves it, and I hope you
guys love it too~

Sunday 2 October 2011

Need to Take Care More Kittens in the House

My Aunt's cat just breed 5 kitten last August,
Last time i visit those kittens, their eyes had already open...
They were kept in a store behind the kitchen so they wont hit by something,
or more easy to say the store is safer for newborn kittens.
They all really hyper-active and noisy sometimes...
Here are some photos I captured of them
I captured and they were with their mother for meal.

Sorry cuz the picture is all blury...

Isn't that cute... such a sweety kitty.

When I open the door, they all ran into me cuz they thought I'm their mother.

This one is my fave, she is the only female out of 5... NAME'S HONEY

I dont know what this kiddo doin' in those plastics...

Monday 26 September 2011

This is Me

Hi! My full name is Nur Liyana Bt Mohd Rizal, I'm from Malaysia. 
Hobby: Drawing, surfing Internet, take photos (if I'm in the right mood), cycling and joking (if I am super-               bored so I annoyed people)
Ambition: To be a cartoonist, architect, graphic designer and character creator (doesn't matter as long it related to Arts)
Idol: Sarah Joan-Mokhtar 
Fav. Celebs: Taylor Swift, Bruno Mars, BEAST, Lisa Surihani and Yuna
Desperate about: Art!!!
I like: Chocolate, Caramel, Comic, Cats/Kitten (seems like everything starting with 'C') but best of all anything in PURPLE !
Dislike: Anything related to violence, coffee, Boots and CREEPY insects
Books: Anything funny and not romantic, creative writing and not too straight like "Diary of a wimpy kid", "Dork Diaries", "Dear Dumb Diary" (Looks like reading diaries is my new hobby :p)
Everything about me stops here

Friday 23 September 2011

Hari Kanak-Kanak Sedunia yg menyeronokkan!

Hari ini, JUMAAT....
Sekolah aku ade buat Sambutan Hari Kanak-Kanak Sedunia...
Best sangat! Jumpa kawan-kawan, pakai baju raya lah...
pastu ada badut lawak (lawak lah sgt =.=) taktik magic die da besa dah~
Ni pulak, kawan-kawan aku~ 
Jamu selera, ya~

Makanan sebenarnya, cikgu2 lah yg tukang jualnya~
Sedap-sedap belaka makanan tu...
Pelbagai jenis gerai yang ada dan juga makanan yg ada~
Atlas, ktorang balik pukul 11:50 a.m...
-Tamatlah Hari Kanak-Kanak di SKBJ-
:) thx 4 reading!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Rekaan-Realiti:.. Akhirnya Pak Ngah Kahwin Juga

 Pada tarikh 16 September 2011, malam sebelumnya ibu dan ayah sedang bercadang mengenai "Majlis Pernikahan Pak Ngah" yg akan berlangsung. Mereka bercadang  untuk bangun awal dan bertolak pada jam 6.30 pagi, tetapi apa yang terjadi kami terlewat dan bertolak pada jam 7.30 pagi.
 Kami memastikan rumah dalam keadaan yang selamat dan segera masuk ke dalam kereta dan bertolak ke Serting, N. Sembilan. Kemudian, kami tiba di Masjid Bandar Baru Serting tepat-tepat 9.30 pagi. Tetapi masjid tersebut kosong dan yang kami temui adalah Maksu ku dan beberapa ekor kucing (yang tiada kene mengena). Kami  bingung lantas ibuku cuba menelefon semua saudara-maranya kerana tiada liputan. Akhirnya, iu dapat menghubungi nenekku, nenek memberitahu segala perancang pernikahan tersebut.
 Rupa-rupanya kami harus ke Masjid Felda Lui Barat. Pada mulanya, kami tersesat di Kampung Lui Selatan, selepas menanya arah kepada beberapa orang penduduk di situ. Kami tiba juga di Kampung Lui Barat. Kami terlambat beberapa minit apabila tiba di masjid. Semua saudara-mara telah berkumpul, aku dan kakakku agak terkejut melihat rupa paras Pak Ngah yang berseri-seri, maklumlah bakal menjadi 'Raja Sehari'.
 Wakil daripada pengantin perempuan telah memulakan perbincangan dan menyetujuinya. Kami masuk ke dalam masjid, semua saudara mara yang membawa kamera sudah bersiap-sedia untuk mengambil gambar kedua-dua pengantin semasa acara akad nikah.
 Kakakku meneliti muka Pak Ngah dan memberitahuku bahawa Pak Ngah sebenarnya berpeluh akibat gementar. Ayah juga memberi telefon bimbitnya untuk kakakku mengambil gambar pasangan sejoli itu. Sebaik sahaja Pak Ngah melafazkan "aku terima nikahnya....." dalam masa yang sama semua orang berpusu-pusu mendekati pasangan pengantin tersebut.
 Sesi menyarungkan cincin, memakaikan gelang dan mencium pengantin saudara-mara tidak lekang mengambil gambar tanpa henti. Akhirnya! Hari tersebut dalam sejarah semua orang berkata "Akhirnya Pak Ngah kahwin juga...:


Monday 19 September 2011

I do collect Cute Things

I dont from who this phrase from but it said "Cute Things are the best way to give sweet memories"
I dont really understands that one but hope you guys do.
I'm surely love to collect cute things such as pictures, drawings, accessories,
foods and furnitures:
Just take a picture of that CUTE thing and edit it with a smiley face maybe
it shall be your CUTE Collections:
My New Cute Collections by Mi@Na (there is still a lot more but these are cute pictures i got from
the Internet)
This is cinnamoroll: once i watched it on TV: Cute!

Domo-Kun always the Cute star of all teens

Hello Kitty never ever modified its cuteness, still cute!

Teenagers MUST Love: BEAST (K-Pop)

My sister introduced me this super hot K-Pop celebs
named BEAST when i was 11, in the same time
my sister was 14.
She said so "When you're in high school it was like a rule for teen girls
must love all K-Pop celebs."
Firstly, she showed me the girl groups K-Pop,
still, i dont like them until she showed me SuJu, SHINee and others.
But I interested in BEAST: these are 3 over 6 members that i love most!

 This is Dong-Woon, he got this American face, for me

This is my favorite one! Lee Gi-Kwang! oh, he is most handsome.

This is Yeo-Seop, my sister said he is the most cutest boy in the group and i

Friday 9 September 2011

Detik-Detik Mendebarkan: U.P.S.R.

Dari tarikh sekarang, hanya tinggal 3 hari je lgi nak ke peperiksaan sebenar U.P.S.R.
Experience pertama, selalunya, kawan-kawan aku yg takut U.P.S.R. tu
ialah orang yg x prepared lgi...
so kene la prepare awal2... Seingat-ingat aku (ceramah motivasi)
ada yang bagitau kita tak patut takut pada peperiksaan. Bukannya first time tak jwb preksa tpi nilah masa utk menentukan masa depan korang.

Study Smart
Ramai orang kata 'Study Hard' atau 'Work Hard', semua cikgu aku kata petua tu sememangnya salah. Yang seBenar-benarnya 'Study Smart' atau 'Practise make Perfect'. Kalau terlebih study, kadang-kadang bahaya jugak, rasa stress and then xde kebebasan lepas tu sakit masa hari peperiksaan.

um, x igt laa apa lagi yg penceramah tu cakap, tpi sesapa yg bakal menjawab peperiksaan x kesah la periksa apapun, good luck and d the best~!

Friday 26 August 2011

Image of Arts: Street painting

This was super cool,
as I am the fanatic of Arts n Crazy stuffs these are what i found
poor baby, will be eaten by a super humongous lobster

i want my dine, humans

becareful, snakey whole down there
"mommy, why is this frog differents than i used to see?"

becareful, Batman is coming to save you (eventhough ur actually on the road)

on the making, alive dinosaur bones

better not to do that or you'll die

2 days wearing baju kurung, Red n Blue :D

On the first day, i wear red for an evening n buka puasa with friends and families :) yahooo!
but on the evening session, we (all year 6 students)cried becuz
 felt guilty what we have done for years to our parents ~.~
my eyes turned red for a while.. then Okay!
after solat terawih and buka puasa, we eat nasi briyani Malaysia (search on google!)
so yum3! my parents was stunned by the deliciousy.. ;P hehehe!
after that we did solat hajat, for the isya' Azan, Imran Haqiem did it and every parents also
stunned by his superb voice! then we hugged our parents and shared a loving-touching part  with everybody around...  Sweet time!

On the second day, which i wear blue to school,
firstly we(some of year 6 students who has already khattam) read Al-Quran... and we all already khattam!!!
its a muslim things to do... so then who win prizes get its prizes,
we salam* our teachers, friend and went home happily like no one other does :)

Friday 5 August 2011

Gerak Gempur V.1

I just took a "Gerak Gempur" examination Monday and Tuesday for 5 subjects which is B.Malaysia(Penulisan) B.Malaysia(Pemahaman) B.Inggeris, Math and Science.
we(me and my classmates) just knew that we will not do the B.Malaysia(Penulisan) so
allover is we only need to score 4A's...
But then I get B for Math which is 79 marks.... :(
for others subjects I hope A's
oh yea, Gerak Gempur is an examination for 5 subjects every week until UPSR

Friday 29 July 2011


At Bukit Jalil Stadium, KL....
me, my dad and 4 0f his friends went there to watch
football tournament Brazil Asia Cup.
 Firstly, we bought some trumpets which
make super-noisy sound. Before we find our seats we bought food snacks....
at 8;30, the game started... the crowds yelled with shrieking voice "Malaysia", "Lo-sers!" and more!
the crowds get angry when one of Singaporean 'imported' Player fell down and act
like his injured. Then we got the plan of Singapore... Before they get 5-3 with Malaysian
so they planned to waste the game time so Malaysia wouldn't get any marks in the
second tournament. They cheated, but then our hero Fahmi (goal keeper)
really did a great job.... He was like almost can block all balls which been kicked by the
Singaporean Players. But then, the scores was 1-1...
Anyway, I'm enjoyed.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Unifi Freakin' Cool

Today, well, my Dad just delete Astro (the channels like ya know in Malaysia)
Then he take Unifi:)... First, kinda not so in with Unifi, but then...
Dad search for WHOLE thing about Unifi users until he found out that
Unifi has many channels, games and the best thing is, there is Facebook!
so more extravaganzadvanced than Astro...
so I think that I can handle with this, if i stay ome alone, there is many things
I can do to the tV...

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Ayat Mencabar (IQ test)

1. kenapa kau tidak bagitahu aku yang aku tak boleh bagitau dia apa yang kau bagitau tadi dari yang dia bagitau pada kau dulu?

2. kau percaya kan dia kenapa? kau tidak percayakan aku tapi dia pun tidak percaya kat kau tapi kau percaya kat dia, sekarang ni kau  percaya aku ke dia sbb dia takkan percaya apa yang kau nak dia percaya.

yang mana satu yang anda boleh paham?

Sunday 10 July 2011

Trial UPSR(x3)!

Whoa, for the first day of Trial UPSR, it was like nothing happen at all.
In my class, everybods still having fun after answering all question: even though the questions are very difficult**
They were... like.. don't even care, like Trial is nothing, UPSR is the important thing.
But my dad said so if i get 5As for Trial it will be easy for me to answer questios in UPSR exam!
Im trying my best (in the same time im scared about Aptitude Exam)

Thursday 7 July 2011

Ceremony before Wedding: Akad Nikah

My aunt just become a wife this 2011 June.
she became a bride! usually Akad Nikah, Bride and Groom wore white baju melayu, baju kurung or baju kebaya (dont forget to search on googles.com)
These are called 'hantaran' (gives from the side of Groom)weehee!

the theme of the ceremony is Pink, Blue and Gold.

Thats the Bride, and the girl in orange is my sister as 'pengapit' for the bride.

Animals of the world

kitten want some milk!

feed me some carrots!

we need to hide from human enemies!

peace! nyum, crunch!

over here, honey rabbits!

Just about how i really take care and loves animals of the world... one animal that i hate:
monkeys, but i love orangutan <3 hehehe

This week Arts

you guys can say this is almost the logo of Mi@Na Productions

Only 2 fruits on the table, better eat it or starve :p

One of dreamshops: Mi@Na Walkway which the shop that sells
shoes only! Elegant

Use sharpie* marker for thicker lines!

Traditional Trends: Batu Seremban

when I was in year 5, we were like so obsessed of uno games, card games and board games**
Until, one of our classmates bring us back to the traditions time and we all play **Batu Seremban** (you can search about it, its a malay traditional games).
Then, we didn't buy it but we MAKE it! it was whole package fun!
until I turned to year 6, we still play it.
then we realized that the year 4 and 5 students play it too.

The Condition to play Batu Seremban:-
**Batu Seremban** has many type of level,
usually the first level is called 'batu satu' until 'batu enam'(level six).
after level six, ~the seventh level~ is called 'batu tukar' (changeable stones) then 'batu hujan' (raindrop stones) then 'batu pagar' (fence stones) until the last level is called "King".
I am very sorry cant tell you guys bout how to play it but you still can search it.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

additional digital arts:- ADA

this one is new... i just made it... just got inspired!
this one is quite girly so i called it
BFF-gurlz Braceletz

i sot it from the TEEN COOL brand, the name
Go-It Teen-TIME

Tuesday 5 July 2011

work: ADvantages of moble phones

advantages of mobile phones really really small in amount. So, i think that mobile phones was a real bad habit for school kids. Try out to find 20  advantages, its hard ya know it. But if you try to find 20 Disadvantages, maybe you could find hundreds of it... quite hard 2 search on google.com or even Answer.com or ask somebody.

Drama In The School

Today, drama drama drama!!!
everything was so serious... im out of idea cause im in a BAD mood.
I got a fight with the boys, and they still disturb me...
its a blog, what should i write about? i was planning to make it Artsy blog and no moody stories or diaries!!!
total out of ideas, hurgh!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


I was superb happy and thank god Allah,
I GOT 5As!
I hope my class will get many pupil 5 As but only 3 of us...
i wish there is more...
ish me luck!!!

Saturday 16 April 2011

Mix-It ARTs

Mix-It ARTs mean I paint, sketch, doodle mix with all
stationery things such as Paint, Crayon/Pastels and Pencils.
This picture is about kids are amazed by the view of hot-air-ballons floating in the 
grey-red sky (mysterious evening)

side of the frame: I used paints and pastels to draw this

the view of rose field* and the field was MINE!

Just a simple dress, the mixture colour is nice:)
I used FABER CASTLE mix Water, so the colour
will flow and has its shadow bright.