Thursday 26 December 2013

Bye Bye 2013....

few days left to 2014...
okay, i think since i got into highschool, i can see the differences not from me, but the surrounding and also my old friends.
2012, I was 13 and I went to STIAS, that school was brilliant! very tight schedule, but only the strong-hearted people could stay at that school, wanna know why?
1= that school doesn't has staff or janitor, only canteen crew, so students will clean the class, the school hall, the toilets and teacher's toilet too.
2= we only have 4 dormitary and two wardens, both of them are fierce as tiger (if we ever get punished, it's never a simple punishment) like read Suroh Yaasin at the graveyard around 1.00 am
3= most of the seniors care about hygiene, to bring big name on our school, and good grades, probably?
4= it's a tahfiz school so, each day 1 page of qur'an or more (if you can't make it, you gotta stand in the sun till you get it, the boys can see you!)

supermuslimah | via Facebook

That school will turn you into the perfect muslimah if you keep an open-hearted because they will push you to this and that, but don't ever complain.
I know that school is full of Allah's blessing, because everytime our Walid had an event, it always rain.... Rain is blessing that shows Allah's saw you hardwork to gain something!
But I moved is not because I can't stand, only rich kids can afford, RM600  a month, baby...
And, at that time, my parents having a dilema. but I wish I didn't moved out, I always wanted to stay and feel closer to Allah


2013, I moved to SMAI and I'm 14....
way too different from STIAS
I always think by myself, this school sucks but the outside me lies, I keep smiling and laughed at their no-funny-at-all jokes because I don't want to hurt their feelings. The differences was,
it's not a school bunch of smartypants, it's like a school where adults dumped their unuseful kids...
So, I'M ATOTAL GEEK in the early years, because they all like to do bad/naughty things but I just sit there and watch until one time I tried to be like them, and it was fun ♥ - Nyanyan - Otaku do Ataku!
Okay, okay... I was wild! with them, until one day, I went back home and saw my friends from STIAS post all fun time they had, and they all look so sincere and good... I was so damn JEALOUS!

I realized I changed... the way I speak, the way I dress, the way I do, it was so rough and sounded like I'm a gangster... But it wasn't too late to change, so I decided to be a straight-to-point person. Whenever I see my friends wearing or doing bad things I just spill it out to them, and finally a little by little of them changed...
I'm glad, and there is a movie I saw, it says "I don't think you should follow whatever your friend said, maybe it's your time to told 'em the right thing"
But, friendship is always important, that's why they say, friends with the good one, but if you don't find them maybe it's time for you to change them! So that's all from me!
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatu
Google-Ergebnis für this sounded so cheesy~

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